Pastor’s Column 9/29/2024
“Share your food with the hungry and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them, and do not hide from relatives who need your help.”Isaiah 58:7, NLT
“Sharing Is Close to God!”
In one sense, we are never nearer to God than when we help others around us who are bereft of some need. Perhaps the very nature of God is to help us by making provisions possible that can sustain our living. God placed the first humans, according to the Biblical account, in relationship; so that the notion of living completely in isolation would never be an option. It is sin that drove humans away in seclusion, attempting to evade their Creator. God’s various actsof reconciliation described in the Scriptures, is to reveal our God as seeking our perpetual relationship with Him. We value to God, and He values to us. It is this premise that serves as the basis of our benevolent and caring spirit toward others. The great prophet Isaiah scolded the Israelites on what constitutes a morally upright life, and what was their ethical responsibility toward each other. We are all called to assist each other with the basic of human needs – to other needs that bring wholeness and security to living. Food, clothing, and shelter from the earliest times were basic human needs. We are called and challenged to assist in making provisions for others who are truly in need of such necessities. As for food alone, the United States wastes “60-million tons or 120 million pounds of food each year.” America has the capacity to feed every living person every day for years to come. When Jesus feed the 5,000, there was enough food left over for a year, but the Scripture says: “Jesus told His disciples, “Gather the pieces left… let none be wasted.” (John 6:12, NKJV). Let us work to share with others, and not be wasteful. Our God, Jehovah Jireh, will never leave us withoutprovisions when we trust in Him! Sharing is not an option; it is God’s command to help each other. No one person can do everything. But if each person does something more can be done. We will be nearer to God in ways we never imagined. We will learn His love and grace. A spirit of kindness will permeate our hearts daily! A stranger; the neighbor; a relative, is waiting to experience God’s grace. We are called to share what we can!
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