Pastor's Column 10/11/20
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
Isiah 55:8-9, NIV
2nd Sunday- “Stay Tuned!”
This nugget verse in the Book of Isaiah is one of the most profound utterances in all of Scripture. God defends His ways, which are never to be taken for granted. The expanse of human knowledge is very beneficial, but it is never absolute. Sometimes we think we’ve figured out God, but this is not always the case. God defends the propriety He has on knowledge when He says: “My thoughts, nor my ways, are yours.” God draws a clear line between Himself and His creation. It is an arbitrary distinction to let us know that there is a vast difference between the human and the divine. God doesn’t say this to make us feel unimportant, but to help us stretch that we might attain more wisdom and understanding. God’s word is always timely. It is tragic that we who live in America, live in a nation where our leader told a group of evangelicals that “he had done more for people than what Jesus could ever do.” This is tantamount to suggesting that one “knows” as much as the Son of God, and can actually usurp Him. Isaiah’s iteration of God’s voice is as necessary in the 21st century as it was in the 8th century, B.C. We “still” need to listen to God, and in doing so His message for the age will be revealed. In early broadcast commercial radio, and later television, listeners and viewers could only get a clear reception by turning to a precise dial. If a break occurred, a voice would say, “Stay tuned.” This assured the listener/viewer that information of great importance would be revealed. God, speaking to the prophet Isaiah admonishes us to stay with Him to learn what we need to learn about Him. We should stay tuned! God’s revelation will come when we listen to Him. We could never usurp God’s thoughts. He alone knows it all. God’s love, like His wisdom, is infinite and eternal!
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