Pastor's Column 1/31/21
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
Matthew 7:13-14, NIV
5th Sunday- On The Road Less Traveled!
“The day we cease to explore, is the day we wilt.” Those sage words were quoted recently by a venerable woman, who at birth in 1924, was given no more than four years to live. Born to devout Christian parents who migrated to the United States from the small island of Nevis in the Lesser Antilles region of the Caribbean, Cicely Tyson has become an iconic voice and presence around the globe. Ms. Tyson’s life and contributions are, in my opinion, indicative of the contrast Jesus drew when He discussed the meaning of the Kingdom of God. Jesus said there are essentially two roads that a person could pursue in life. The “broad” way as He described it, is frequented by many people, but its paths lead to destruction. The alternative, or Kingdom way, is narrow and requires diligent effort. However, taking the more defined route will lead a person to the most fulfilled life. Some translators of that verse in the Gospel of Matthew, use the Greek word zoe. This is the highest expression of life. It is far more than mere subsistence; or personal ambition, devoid of concern for others. The life Jesus calls us to, is one in which we are ever searching to embrace the integrity of our deepest and most authentic self. Cicely Tyson described her life growing up, as always being in church; even playing the piano and organ. She said, “We were at church on Sunday and other days.” However, it was a deeper longing and calling that directed Cicely Tyson to exercise her faith beyond the rituals and routines of the local church. She found and took that road, which is often less traveled!
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