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Pastor's Column 1/29/2023

Concord Baptist Church


“Going over to him, the Samaritan soothed his wounds with olive oil and wine and bandaged them. Then he put the man on his own donkey and took him to an inn, where he took care of him.” Luke 10:34 NLT

“The Helping Act of Healing!”

When the Gospel writers describe Jesus giving His disciples the authority to “heal the sick,” the implication of this ability applies to many people who are wounded along life’s roadways. By virtue of our faith in Jesus Christ, we Christians are called to participate in the

process of caring for the wounded. This fact is further emphasized by the Apostle James, brother of Jesus, who urges the church to summon the sick and distressed before the elders for effectual fervent prayer; and the imposition of compassionate touch. James says, as a result of this ministry; when this prayer is made in faith, “The Lord will make you well…” (Cf. James 5:14-15, NLT). In his Gospel, Luke shares a parable Jesus told of a man who fell on hard times, when he was attacked by robbers. The man was left seriously injured, while onlookers walked pass him, offering no assistance. Two of the onlookers stood out, because they held prominent offices in the Temple. These were “religious” persons, whom it was assumed would be the ones to respond to the man’s desperate needs. A lone Samaritan who, because of race and culture was marginalized, stopped and helped the injured man. On his knees, the Samaritan cleaned the man’s wounds; disinfected the bruised areas of the man’s flesh; and tenderly picked him up, and placed him on his own donkey. More than this, the Samaritan took the man to an Inn; paid the proprietor; and directed him to put all

charges on his account. Jesus celebrated the Samaritan’s unselfish and spontaneous act of compassion, saying he was a “true neighbor.” There is great healing power in helping persons who are accosted by the unplanned and unfair events that curtail life’s journey. Healing often comes from a helping hand. God permits each of us to meet the needs of others, only at the level of our capacity.

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Concord Baptist Church

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Milton, MA 02186

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