Pastor's Column 1/12/2025
“It was by faith that Jacob, when he was old and dying, blessed each of Joseph’s sons and bowed in worship as he leaned on his staff.” Hebrews 11:21, NLT
“Leaning Forward!”
Some years ago, Bill Withers sang a song that meant much to many people. The song was, “Lean on Me.” Part of the lyrics read, “…Those of your needs that you won’t let show. You just call on me brother when you need a hand. We all need somebody to lean on.” The song spoke to people who felt isolated and alone in life and made a tremendous impact. Of course, there is a moment in each of our lives when there is a need for something or someone in whom we can find our stability. Life was never meant to be lived in complete isolation. We really need each other. Always there are times when we must seek inner assurance from the God who is much greater than the complexities we face. In the wake of terrible Armageddon type fires sweeping the Palisades region in California, a fire captain was asked by a national news anchor and journalist, “How are the fire fighters holding up?” The captain answered, “They’re beat up, but they’re leaning forward.” It is our faith and hope in the ultimate good, that causes us to “lean forward,” when howling winds are blowing scorching flames like arrows at us. If a person cannot stand straight – by faith, they can lean forward! When the patriarch Jacob became very old and was near death, his immediate thought was with the generations that would be his posterity. Although weak, Jacob summoned two of his grandsons and placed a blessing on them. Remarkably, Jacob stood and leaned forward on his staff. This was more than the gesture of an old man; it was an act of worship. To lean in the manner Jacob did, showed reverence to God. An old piece of wood was his aide, but God was Jacob’s help! Yes, we all need someone to lean on. But it is with God that we lean forward in life; ever so close to what God intends for us to be and to have. The elders of the church often would say, “God is my leaning post.”
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