Honoring the Sacrifice of Christ
There is Peace and Renewal In The Cross
Pastor Conley Hughes, Jr.
“Whatever may be the tension and the stresses of a particular day, there is always lurking close at hand the trailing beauty of forgotten joy or unremembered peace.”
Howard Thurman
The Lenten Period is perhaps the most important season in the Christian faith. Our faith has its origin, meaning, and significance in the reconciliation of people to God through the atoning death of His Son on the cross. As we think intensely about the anticipated resurrection of our Lord, the forty days of Lent—and Sundays—are essential to our understanding of Christ and our faith.
Only in the Apostle’s writings do we see the idea of “reconciliation” explained, although its importance is found in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. In the New Testament, the Greek word katallage is used, which means literally “to be brought back.” The idea is that God desires to welcome us back into fellowship with Him. This is similar to the idea of “redemption” in the Old Testament, where a person estranged from God could be “restored” back into fellowship with God through sacrifices. When Jesus took upon Himself the sins of humankind, by enduring and defeating death on the Cross, we were “reconciled to God.” We were “given perpetual welcome” within the family of God.
The days of Lent are a call to find peace and renewal through the meaning of Christ’s death on the Cross. Our communion with Christ will bring us inner peace and renewal! In this season of pandemic and the inexorable calls for justice, we need to meditate upon and honor the Savior who came “to set the oppressed free.” It is this same Jesus who will destroy the strongholds of evil, wrong, and injustice. He will make of all people, one people reconciled and united in Him.
Brothers and Sisters, make every day count as we journey together during Lent!

Photo by Stan Paregien on Unsplash
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