Pastor's Column 8/6/2023
“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift each of you like wheat. But I have pleaded in prayer for you, Simon, that your faith should not fail. So when you have repented and turned to me again, strengthen your brothers.” Luke 22:31-32, NLT
“Being Helped Through Prayer!”
Jesus as intercessor often is missed or not understood by some who claim allegiance to Him. There are many moments in life when we have become better off, simply because our Lord has interceded in prayer on our behalf. Our understanding of the Christian faith, is that after Jesus left the disciples and was ascended, following his 40 days after the Resurrection; He assumed His intercessory ministry as our High Priest in heaven. This is in part why Jesus gave all believers the authority to pray in His great name; for it is He who intercedes on our behalf. However, Jesus began this ministry with His disciples before he ascended to heaven. Evidence of this is in the conversation Jesus had with Simon Peter before His trial and Crucifixion. Peter was impulsive and dismissive at times. He told Jesus, he would never allow Him to wash his feet; for Peter suggested he either didn’t need cleansing; or, he could not see Jesus bending as a lowly servant before him. Peter later asserted, he would never forsake Jesus, even to the point of going to prison with Him. Of course, Jesus knew more about Peter, than the disciple knew of himself. So, Jesus boldly told Peter, the Enemy is ready to enlist you and destroy you. Jesus was in effect saying to Peter, “I know how vulnerable you are.” But, “I have prayed for you.” What a consolation in knowing that our Lord “pleads in prayer” for us; in spite of our misgivings and immature thoughts. Jesus prays for us, but He anticipates our turnarounds and breakthroughs, when we are careful to “change” our attitudes and ways. Jesus has confidence in our ability to defeat the enemy, when we commit ourselves to Him. Our Lord’s promise of prayer was not just for Peter; but, as the Greek translation suggests, for all who are His faithful followers. Jesus is praying for each of us, who is willing to return to Him in faith, forgiveness, and commitment. His grace will ever bring us back home!
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