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Pastor's Column 1/28/2024


“Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.” James 1:27, NLT

“True Faith Is What It Does!”

A genuine faith propels us to act with compassion on behalf of the most vulnerable people in our world. Our faith, or “genuine religion” as James describes it, is not what we wear on our outer clothing; but the most visible aspect of our faith is in what we do to reach /help others in need. James said previously what we communicate about our faith should be consistent with how we use our faith in a caring and compassionate manner. (See, James 1:26, NLT). James may have had in mind the dreaded behavior of the Pharisees, who had much to say about what they believed; but did very little in living out the true meaning of their religious beliefs. People like the late Mother Clare Hale often emerged slowly in view to demonstrate to the world, what it’s like to be motivated by a genuine faith. Concerned for babies born to drug addicted mothers in New York, Mother Hale took these babies in her home. She cared, and nurtured them; often weening the effects of drugs from their tiny bodies. The Hale House became a place of miracles; where the most vulnerable little persons in the neighborhood were nurtured to good and stable health. It’s said when Mother Hale was without money for food, diapers, and supplies for her babies; help, always arrived from unexpected sources. Mother Hale said, her faith in Jesus Christ assured her that provisions would always come. Among these unexpected visitors who heard of Mother Hale’s work, was John and Oko Lennon; and Princess Diana. As essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson would say, “The world [beat] a path to her door.” Our faith should be neither static nor somber. Our faith must be active and alive; causing us to act with compassion and concern for the needs of others. If there is anything that must be canceled in our world, it is a gross, uncaring spirit.

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