Pastor's Column 3/3/2024
“Next the devil took Him to the peak of a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. “I will give it all to you,” he said, “if you kneel down and worship me.” “Get out of here Satan, Jesus told him. “For the Scriptures say, “You must worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.” Then the devil went away, and angels came and took care of Jesus.” Matthew 4:8-11, NLT
“One God, One Bow!”
Some of our greatest strength is revealed when God leads us into a period of testing. The enemy, Satan, never does anything to us, that God is not close by to see us through. Satan does acquiesce to God; and, in the case of Job, begged for permission to subject Job to trials. Job went through a protracted period of suffering, but was not destroyed. He emerged closer to God; completely healed, recovered, and was more prosperous in his new life than before. Let’s not assume God tempts, or tries to destroy us; be certain that God does not tempt his children. Now and then we encounter some testing; the purpose of which, the Apostle Peter says, is to refine our faith, that it may “come forth purer than gold.” It was not long after Jesus’ baptism by his relative, John; that the Spirit of God led him in a desert region where he fasted forty days and nights. In that desolate place, among the animals and the elements; it is believed, Jesus communed with the Heavenly Father. It was at the end of that commitment; Jesus was understandably dehydrated and hungry. Many tend to forget, that Jesus was no less human than we. On average a human cannot survive without food and water beyond 21 days. Jesus was without these crucial elements for nearly twice that amount of time. Satan always seeks to harm us, when we’re most vulnerable. After failing twice to tempt Jesus into conceding to his demands; Satan showed Jesus the vast expanse of buildings jutting across the plains of Judea; and the great buildings King Herod ordered constructed as trophies to his power. “Bow down before me, and all of this will be yours,” Satan said. Jesus refused, and sternly reminded Satan of the great command to, “Worship the Lord God; and bow to Him only!” We kneel to the One who is our Lord; above all gods!
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