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Pastor's Column 7/24/22

Concord Baptist Church


“The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.” Psalm 121:6, NLT

“They will never again be hungry or thirsty, they will never be scorched by the heat of the sun.”

Revelation7:16, NLT

“We Can Make Things Better!”

The scorching heat of the recent summers continue to confirm the turn in nature toward global warming. More than a speculative opinion, the reality of a much warmer earth is apparent. While some would rather debate the issue, the evidence is compelling and true. These overly warm forces are the result of the Sun. The earth’s closer orbit around the Sun, coupled with the poor stewardship for this planet by human beings, all contribute to the challenges we face. The Scripture is not silent on the consequences of the Sun. Worshippers headed to Jerusalem on one of three pilgrimages for the celebration of Holy days, were assured, “The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.” This assurance was also meant to counter a prevalent belief by some, that the Sun and moon were deities, who controlled the lives of people. Heat strokes and sheer exhaustion overtook many of the pilgrims along their route to the Holy City, which often led to panic, and an irrational belief that persons fallen to illness were cursed by the Sun. The psalmist does not deny the natural effects of the heat generated by the sun; but He directs the people to put their trust in God who created the heavens, earth, and the entire solar system (Cf. Genesis 1:14-17, NLT). All that God creates have an inherent value and purpose. Because God loves His creation, He has given us the responsibility to care for the environment we inhabit. Unfortunately, the earth’s outer core has been depleted through toxic emissions we insist on using as energy sources, and consumer products. These products devastate our ecology, contaminate our environment; and bring diseases and potent viruses to people. John tells us, a new day will dawn. Famine, global warming, drought, and more, will be a reality of the past!

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