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God’s Chosen Fast

LaSonnya Hart

Read: Isaiah 58:6-9

Key Verse: “Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the straps of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke?” (Isaiah 58:6 ESV)

During the Lenten season, most Christians decide to fast from something. For years, I gave up some type of food because my family expected me to. I never really understood the reason for doing such a thing, but whatever Momma or Grandma said, you did. Easter came and we returned to eating whatever we had given up. Often, the food you had given up was on the Easter dinner table for all to partake in again. I was looking “to be changed” by Easter only to feel no different than when Lent started. l desired to have a deeper relationship with God. I was hungry for an authentic relationship with Him. I wanted to understand, for myself, what this time during Lent was all about. I went to the Word of God and began to establish my own relationship with the Father. I studied His word. I asked questions. I prayed without ceasing asking God, “Show me You.” I wanted to be able to know, hear, feel and have intimacy with Him for myself.

Lent is more than giving up food, social media, television, video games, or anything else that takes you away from spending time with God. Lent is a season where we recommit our lives to God and turn from the distractions, bad habits, and sins we have accumulated throughout the year. We can draw closer to God by repenting of our sins, praying, and spending time in the Word.

With all that we have experienced this past year during the pandemic, I believe God has given us more time to reflect, re-evaluate, reset, and recalibrate. This Lenten season ask God, “What would you have me to do in this season?” Be still and wait patiently for God to speak to you; soak in His presence. Be open to hear and receive from the Father. I promise, you will not be the same.

Reflection: Take time to reflect on exactly what you are giving up in this season, and why.

Exercise: Spend time in the presence of God. Seek what it is He wants you to do in this season. Take time to listen and mediate on what God is saying. Journal His response to you, ask Him to give you the strategy and tools needed to accomplish the assignment, and then move!

Prayer: Father God I thank you for your grace and mercy. I thank you for life. Speak to me Lord; I am listening. What is it, Father, that you would have me to do in this season? Show me the blueprint and strategy needed to accomplish all that you require of me. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

(Photo credit Britain Eriksen-Upsplash)

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