Concord Baptist Church

Jun 9, 20232 min

Pastor's Column 6/11/2023


“In that day the wolf and the lamb will live together; the leopard will lie down with the baby goat. The calf and the yearling will be safe with the lion, and a little child will lead them all.” Isaiah 11:6, NLT

A New Generation And Restoration!

A friend recently unleased a cascade of discontent and anger over the present human condition. Given these turbulent times, who could blame anyone for being discontent with the violence, hypocrisy, and incivility of institutions and human beings. While there are those who say, “Think positive;” this could become a diversion for ignoring and confronting many of the problems that afflict the human race. Until we confront the systemic issues that perpetuate persistent disparities and wrongs, we will bring ourselves closer to extinction as a human race. In these times, as has been the case throughout civilization, we look to a moment in history when a new world order will be established. This is what the prophet Isaiah foresaw, where he envisioned the future Kingdom when the Messiah would rule the earth. This was not wishful thinking on Isaiah’s part; but a prophetic declaration of how God would bring restoration to a nation besieged by war, exile and moral catastrophe. Opposites would not merely co-exist together; but bond in true relationship and kinship. In Isaiah’s imagery, predatory animals would become one in caring and temperament with those whom they sought to devour. Emerging as leader, would be a child, representing the Messiah; but also, a new and blessed generation, that would bring restoration to a broken and acutely flawed world. Jesus said, a child would be the ideal example for His kingdom. Do not be surprised, that the children will inevitably bring restoration and spiritual awakening to this nation and our world. Josiah, the eight-year-old king of Judah, brought revival to the Temple and nation of Israel. Jesus at twelve, confounded the wise leaders in Jerusalem. 15-year-old Claudette Colvin refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery city bus, before Rosa Parks, and sparked a non-violent revolution for true justice.

Teach our children well, for they are our hope for the future!
